Creating Characters in Short Stories
Tuesday, Jan 5
We’re doing it again! Another DoNight Project Night is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan 5. Special Guest: author Hans Bluedorn.
Our featured activity is Flash Fiction! Our take on flash fiction is that we give everyone a sheet of paper and between 5-10 minutes and you write! Specifically, we will be creating characters. Yes, we’re going to experiment with developing characters in stories – very short stories. Hans Bluedorn will pose a handful of scenarios and we will write our way through them. Some exercises are individual and some are done with others. All of it is designed to help us learn and riotously laugh out loud! (Experience shows we have tolerant neighbors:-)
This is for total novices and seasoned writers alike – come and write some flash fiction.
Date: Tuesday, January 5
Time: 6:30pm-10:00pm
Location: 1901 1/2 Broadway St Apt 5, Iowa City, IA (Above the Subway restaurant)
?’s call: 563 260 5556
A little different than classes, these DoNight Project Nights are free and open to anyone and are usually drop-in-drop-out. You are welcome to come and stay as long as you want.
See you Tuesday!